Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 57 - Ironing

Today I spent ironing and doing laundry. I actually enjoy ironing, as I was brought up to iron and do it right. My father's first job when he married my mom was at a cleaners. He was very picky about his clothes and always ironed his own Post Office uniforms (he was a mail carrier). He's the one who taught me to iron. I now have a digital iron and love it. Tells me when it's the right temperature, tells me when it needs to be cleaned, shuts itself off if it isn't used in awhile....

Most of David's work shirts need ironing, as they are cotton. I usually iron enough for 2 weeks at work and then put the iron away for a few weeks. I know this is not what most people do now days, but it is enjoyable for me. Pop a good movie in the DVD player, get a cup of coffee and go to town.

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