Monday, January 22, 2007


This is my first post for the small group I joined at Caffeine Activities that is using prompts from the book Caffeine for the Creative Mind. I knew the minute I saw this I had to join....anything with the word caffeine or coffee gets me hooked every time. Our post was about things that are not where they belong in our homes. I have to admit I'm pretty much a neat freak (and we do not have children at home any more), so our house stays pretty picked up all the time. Husband and I both pick up usually as soon as something is done with.

Left out my LOST dvds, but in all fairness, I am still watching them.

Left my crappy shoes by the patio door because I was outside in the snow shaking out rugs. Letting them dry....forgot to put them away.

David's Starbucks coffee cup he left sitting on the end table.

A big bow I bought on the "after Christmas sales" that I can use anytime. It is still sitting in the basket on the kitchen island.


b. said...

These are great!! I have to admit that having kids really helped me with this one!! ;) So happy to have you playing with us!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Those are fabulous photos!! Love that coffee cup, miss having a starbucks near :(

I am with beshka - having kids and a dog totally helped me on this one... lol! Like you I am a clean freak so I had to wait for those opportune times to arise to take photos :)

So nice to meet you (kinda via blogging ;)) Looking forward to getting to know you and see the rest of your activities!

Latharia said...

LOL ... I also noticed things that needed to be done!!!! Too funny! I think I also noticed some shoes that had been left out and needed to be put where they belonged. Snowy days do that, don't they?

76kendra said...

I wonder how much I can get for that basket on ebay....